Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Happy Anniversary!!!

Today is our third anniversary!! We have been so blessed these last 3 years. We were married, took the job at our church and found out we were pregnant with Gabe all within 2 months of our wedding day. Since then we have watched not only our baby boy grow, but our high school youth group has quadrupled in size. God is so faithful to us when we are faithful to Him! I praise the Lord for giving us these "kids" whom we love and love us in return.

We had such a fun day! Since Roddy and I spent the weekend in Edisto, we decided to just have a normal Wednesday instead of him taking the day off like he normally does on special days. Our day started at Chick-fil-a at prayer breakfast. Then we went to Riverbanks Zoo. Gabe loves the zoo now! Just six months ago he thought the purpose of going was to run around. He now really enjoys looking at the animals and we get such a kick out of him getting excited!

At youth group last night we were playing around with our new AWESOME camera we bought each other as an anniversary present. Our old camera went bye-bye accidentally at a soccer game last month--hence the lack of pictures posted. We are going to really try and compile more pictures of our youth than in years past. iPhoto even has this cool program where you can take your pictures and they'll make a yearbook looking thing. We're hopefully going to have enough good shots to sell them as a fundraiser for mission trips at the beginning of the summer! The couch picture is a surprise that they set up in the youth room. The "love couch" was decorated and came with flowers, a card and 3 different gift certificates!! They rock!!!


Paul said...

Happy Anniversary! Y'all are such a blessing to Saxe Gotha and to me. It's exciting to see all the things God has accomplished through your ministry there. I'm glad I was able to be a part of it!

Katie&Roddy said...

Yes my shirt does say, "Got Mac"? Thanks Bekah H.

Kristen said...

Congratulations! It has been so, so fun to be with you guys (at least in my heart, when not in person) during all these beautiful transitions.

I am glad you got the camera! :) I love the picture of Gabey at the zoo, and of you on the couch.

Beverly said...

Happy Anniversary! September is a wonderful month isn't it? Ours is the 25th!