Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Here I am to worship

I have started going to the Lexington High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meetings on Thursday mornings. It gives me a chance to see our youth as well as meet other teenagers in the area. This past Thursday I was thinking about pride during my drive to the church where it is held. I don’t consider myself a prideful person until I start thinking about it. I am incredibly prideful, and my I-don’t-ever-want-to-be-embarrassed, please-stop-looking-at-me-I’m-really-not-a-huge-dork personality plays into that a lot. (I am a big goober, FYI.) Little did I know that I would be tested in this area in the coming hour.
Fast-forward through breakfast and the message… We are singing praise and worship and one of my favorite songs is up first. “I love you, Lord. And I lift my voice, to worship you…” The girl that leads the group has an a-ma-zing voice and truly does a fantastic job. During this song, however, she took some artistic liberties that I wasn’t counting on, so when she paused, I was still belting out the words. Just me--no music, no anything. Multiple people turned around to look at me. Ahh! I was quite embarrassed. Unless I’m with a group of friends where I can let all of my quirks and dramatic expressions come to life, I normally try to back out of the spotlight.
I was telling myself, “It’s all for Him, who cares what they think?” over and over again, trying to make myself feel better. In hindsight, it’s really kind of silly, but then I was really struggling.
Two songs later, the worship leader says something to the effect of, “Isn’t it so cool that God is so big He can hear us each individually? He’s up in Heaven saying ‘Matt, I can hear you. Thank you, Jane, I hear you too.’” My perspective totally changed. It really is all for Him. I have an audience of one no matter how many people can hear me. John 3:30 popped into my head. “He must become greater; I must become less.” I am so thankful that my God is worthy of all the praise! "Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down. Here I am to say that You're my God. You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me!"


Kristen said...


I would have had your reaction to that situation--completely (plus, it sounds like something I'd do!). I am thankful that you were open to what God showed you through that circumstance. :) Pretty awesome.

Meredith said...

Exactly like something I would do!! Thanks for sharing your experience...and the Scripture. Blessings to you.