Friday, October 13, 2006

A Thankful Heart

My precious child is grasping the concept of being thankful. He now not only says “thank you” when I give him something, but when I allow him to do something, too. A few days ago, for example, I told him he could go outside after saying no originally due to the terrible mosquitoes we have in our yard. (The way they swarm him you’d think the child was made of mosquito ice cream or something.) “Thank you, Mommy,” he said. I was floored. It was the first time he said that phrase in that context. I put some long sleeves on him and outside we went.

Gabe is also completely in love with Thomas the Train. He hasn’t seen any videos yet, but when we go to Book-A-Million, he will play with the Thomas display for an hour, easy. While at Walmart I happened upon some super soft Thomas fleece and decided to make him a blanket for the frigid nights we’re getting. (Ha ha. The Weather Channel says it is getting pretty cold this weekend…Maybe we’ll actually have a winter this year.) Gabe woke up from his nap while I was making the blanket so he watched me finish up. The next morning when Roddy went to go get him from his crib, Gabe's first words to him were “Thank you, Mommy,” while looking at his blanket. He then met me in the hall. “Thank you, Mommy. Choo-choo train.” My heart was melting all over the place. Even today he saw a small square of the fabric—you know, for matching blankets for his trains that he’ll be receiving for Christmas--and said it again, “Thank you, Mommy.”

Oh, the sweetness. I am so crazy about my family!


Anonymous said...

He is so sweet...I could eat him up with a spoon!
What a blessing he is!!

Kristen said...


He is the sweetest little guy ever. I can't wait for him to rub his good influence all over Noah. :)

It's a testimony to your good parenting, too, Roddy and Katie! Love you guys and can't wait to see you this weekend.